Drought Tolerance Equalizer (± $55) and Preventative Broad Spectrum Fungicide (± $55)In the past couple of years we have seen healthy lawns become victim to drought conditions and funguses. To combat these growing problems we recommend education on good lawn care and watering habits, and product supplements to combat drought conditions and funguses.
Drought Tolerance Equalizer To combat dry and stressed conditions we are offer three applications of a drought tolerance equalizer. This product does the following: increases water use effectiveness and efficiency; increases infiltration rates and reduces runoff; promotes uniform availability and movement of water, fertilizer, and other water soluble material into and throughout the root zone; reduces moisture stress to turf grass; and improves recovery from summer heat and drought. The product is not a supplement for fertilization, but rather a product that works in conjunction with fertilization. For best result we recommend all three applications. Package deals are available. Preventive Broad Spectrum Fungicide Different species of funguses are prevalent throughout the year and hit in certain months. Home owners that practice good watering habits and that have very healthy lawns are less likely to see the affects of these funguses. Lawns that are stressed, over or under watered are most likely to see these funguses. We offer three applications of preventive fungicide services through out the season. For best results we recommend all three. The fungicide that we use can help prevent in conjunction with good lawn care habits the following funguses: anthracnose, bentgrass dead spots, bermudagrass decline, brown patch, dollar spot, fairy ring, fusarium patch, grey leaf spot, large spot, melting out, necrotic ring spot, pink patch, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, pythium blight, rabid blight, red thread, rust, summer patch, and zoysia patch. Package deals are available. For more information on good watering habits and fungicide please follow these links. Click here for some great tips and resources on Watering.
Click here for some great tips and resources on Weed Control and Lawn Disease. |